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Project Gold

6 cabins in 3 days Fairfield, ID August 6th-8th 2024

CBH Homes Built Different + camp rainbow gold Project Gold 6 cabins in 3 days Fairfield, ID August 6th-8th 2024

CBH Homes is partnering with Camp Rainbow Gold to build 6 cabins in 3 days at Idaho’s first medical camp!

CBH has been supporting Camp Rainbow for 20 years, and when they invited us to help, we had to say yes. We knew we could handle the challenge. Our community means the world to us, and when an organization so important to our community needs help, we want to dive in. We're doing it for the kids!

It Takes a Village and We Need You

Here's where you come in. Project Gold is looking for donations, construction materials, labor, volunteers and more! Join us as we change kids' lives.

Get Involved
Kids on an outdoor balance beam Kids in an outdoor food fight Kids fishing on a river

Since purchasing Hidden Paradise in 2019, Camp Rainbow Gold has been busy developing the camp. They've made incredible progress, but CBH is excited to bring it home and build 6 cabins in 3 days with the help of our Trade Partners, volunteers, and generous contributors.

This isn't CBH's first rodeo... Flashback to 2007 when Extreme Makeover Home Edition asked us to build a house in less than 7 days for a family in need in Middleton, Idaho! It took the entire Idaho village with 2,000 volunteers, 4,000 trade workers, 208 donating businesses, and the entire CBH crew. We're calling on this village again to help our community. The impact of Project Gold is going to be off the charts!

Thank You to Those Who Have Already Contributed

Have a question? Interested in helping out? Reach out to [email protected]
Hidden Paradise
Camp Rainbow Gold

Serving Idaho children diagnosed with cancer and their families

Camp Rainbow Gold provides events, programs, resources, and support to Idaho families who have experienced a pediatric cancer diagnosis. Far beyond the hospital room, Camp Rainbow Gold serves as a place for children, siblings, and parents alike to seek refuge and truly be themselves.

Hidden Paradise was purpose-built by Camp Rainbow Gold and is Idaho's medical camp, a safe and accessible space where visitors of all ages and abilities can immerse themselves in the healing power of nature.

Donate to Project Gold
Polaroid of group of kids in front of a mock western jail