Renters This One is For You
Rent Different.
Get inside tips on how to go from renting to owning with a CBH coach during our fun-fueled event.
Stay tuned; there will be a new event scheduled soon!
* free $5.00 food coupon for the first 100 attendees, or while food supplies last. CBH reserves the right to change promotion at any time, for any reason, without notice.

Meet our Rentals Dream Team
Here to help with all your rental questions and needs. Find out how any renter can go from renting to owning a brand new CBH home!*
Call or text (208) 314-9841 or email rentals@cbhrental.com to get started.
*Restrictions apply
Past Events Gallery
Get Started with CBH Homes
No matter what stage of life you’re in, CBH is here for you! With available new homes in Boise and the surrounding areas, you can find a new home right down the street or in your favorite city. Start shopping today!

Trade Up
No matter what stage of life you're in, CBH is ready to hand you the keys. When you rent with CBH Rentals, you'll get more than just a place to call home. Say hello to the CBH Trade Up Program giving you MORE than just a rent check.

Homebuyer Process
New to the home buying process? Have no fear, we're here to help. We've broken the process down into 6 easy to follow steps. Check it out.

Find Your Match
Need help narrowing it down? Answer this short quiz and we’ll match you to the home of your dreams!